Decramastic Roofs
Maintenance, Repairs and Coatings

Decramastic Roofs Maintenance, Repairs and Coatings

  • Are you finding that panels on your roof are dented after years of people walking on them incorrectly?​
  • Is the chip coating coming away?​
  • Do you have a huge build up of roof chip in your guttering?​
  • Are any of the panels in your roof sagging from broken battens?

If this is happening to your roof, then we are here to help! ​

When we arrive to inspect your roof, we will safely access the roof area and do a full roof inspection. We will feed back the report to you and then forward a quote for the necessary work that needs to be done. ​

We offer the services below:
  • Moss Mould Lichen Treatment​
  • Replace torn panels​
  • Re-Pop dented panels that can be repaired​
  • Re-nail loose nails​
  • Replace torn, ripped flashings​
  • Replace Rusted Valleys​
  • Replace Broken Battens​
  • Re-Chip​
  • Re-Coat
Note - If you choose to re-coat, It is fundamental to do a full restoration to ensure that all of the above has been taken care of so that your roof is water tight and protected for years to come.

The Process

  1. Moss, Mould, Lichen Treatment - This is advised to be done at least 4 weeks before job commences to ensure that the treatment has had enough time to sterilise the roof.​
  2. Edge protection or Scaffolding will be installed around area needed. ​
  3. Repairs ​
    - Replace any broken or sagging roof battens​
    - Replace any loose nails with new roofing nails​
    - Replace all torn/ripped flashings​
    - Replace any torn/badly damaged roof panels​
    - Pop out all dented roof panels​
    - Replace any badly rusted valleys​
  4. Re-Coating​
    - Any surface rust areas have a rust etch primer applied​
    - Apply the first base coat​
    - Apply the new roof chip​
    - Apply another base coat on top​
    - Finish the roof off with 2 - 3 top coats. These come in a wide range of colours. These are the finishing coats which make the roof look like brand new again. ​

  5. Once your roof has been completed, the edge protection / scaffolding is removed from site and we meet with you to go over the job, and sign off. ​

    In recent times, it has been discovered that some decramastic roofs can have traces of asbestos within them. In order to combat this, there are new rules and guidelines around how we go about restoring them. Wren Roof Coatings choose to test all decramastic roofs that we restore so that we can be 100% sure that we are using the correct products and follow the necessary health and safety guidelines for these roofs. The cleaning process differs depending on whether your roof has a positive result for asbestos or a negative result for asbestos. Give us a call to discuss how we can address your Decramastic Roof!

Decramastic Roof
Decramastic Roof
Decramastic Roof
Decramastic Roof
Decramastic Roof